Vision sharing community impact
nonprofit collaboration
South Lake Nonprofit Think Tank has two functions. To create a place where local nonprofits can come together and learn best practices from each other, and come up with innovative solutions for operating and funding a successful nonprofit. SLNPTT also serves as a help directory for the local community seeking assistance.
Click to open the South Lake Nonprofit Think Tank website
Imagine a world of connected communities.
Our team standardizes how health and social care providers communicate and track outcomes together. We align all stakeholders from healthcare, government, and the community around a shared goal to improve health. Our proven infrastructure provides both a person-centered care coordination platform and a hands-on community engagement process; we work hand-in-hand with communities to ensure services are seamlessly delivered to the people who need them most.
Click to visit the Unite Us website.
Finding Help
In many cases, finding help to assist an individual in our community can be difficult and time-consuming. Although there is often help available for most situations, finding the right community resource to fit the situation can be confusing.
The Lake County Community Resource Guide is a database of resources available to people in our community. These agencies and programs have a common goal of helping people in our community in a variety of ways. Each agency and program represents a “piece of the puzzle” in terms of helping people solve problems and reach their full potential.
Click to open the Lake County Community Resource Guide.